


Albion Save Game Editor

Note, this is no longer maintained, but should still work


System requirements
How to start

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The Albion Save Game Editor is an editor for the save files of the old game "Albion" (german review). Thanks to the strukture of these files, Albion Save Game Editor can not only change common stuff like the amount of money you have, but also nice stuff like the character classes. The Albion Save Game Editor was only moderately tested. It automatically creates backups for the changed save files, but you should manually backup just to be sure.

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GUI Albion Save Game Editor

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System requirements

Java2 version 6 or newer. You can check if you have it using this command line command (Windows: Start->run->cmd):

java -version

If you get nothing or if it's telling you that it doesn't know the command "java", you probably don't have java. If you get something, it should look like this:

java version "1.6.0_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.6.0_06-b05)

If the number is 1.6 or larger, Albion Save Game Editor should run.

If you don't have Java or an old version, you can download the newest one at "Download".

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How to start

If everything works, you can just double-click the jar file, but sometimes a compressing software like WinZip graps this file extension.
If that happens, open the jar with javaw (Windows: right click -> Open with... -> Browse -> javaw.exe in the java install directory auswählen (also tick the "always open with"-box))

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Albion Save Game Editor (All operating systems - jar) (28 KB, zip)
Sourcecode Albion Save Game Editor (20 KB, zip)

Oracle pulled a fast one on us, newest (Oracle) Java versions have horrible licencing. So either choose 1.8, the last proper version, or chose OpenJDK:
Java 1.8 via
Newest Java via

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#17 Tomas wrote at 10/12/2024 03:38 AM (EST):
Thank you for your work! Now I can easily play this game and get thru difficult parts which really save time and nerves. Great journey to the past with my favorite rpg.

#18 Klaue wrote at 10/12/2024 08:17 AM (EST):
A tip I half remember: Level Sira up until she can learn avalanche before you go to the second island. You can get spells for free on the first island, and while starting avalanche is rather lame, level 3 avalanche (upgraded through casting a whole lot) is one of the best spells in the game and immensely useful

#15 Dominik wrote at 10/02/2023 10:03 AM (EST):
Can't get the editor to open.
Tried both 64 and 32Bit javaw.exe.
Just nothing happens

#16 Klaue wrote at 10/02/2023 10:16 AM (EST):
Just tried it with a new java version, definitively still works here. Did you maybe download the source code and not the jar? also note not to try to open the downloaded Zip but the jar inside it.
You can try using the jarfix,
if that works (haven't used it in a long time) you should be able to just double click the jar afterwards.

Also, you could try starting it in the console for additional error messages.
Open command line and navigate into the directory (cd "C:\wherever\you put it") and then use
java -jar "Albion Save Game Editor.jar"
Or in the powershell (if windows 10), have no file selected, hold shift, right click in the folder (not on a file), "open power shell here" and then use:
java -jar '.\Albion Save Game Editor.jar'

#10 Nate wrote at 09/09/2022 08:12 PM (EST):
Awesome work my guy. Thanks heaps for this. I grabbed this on GoG remembering it from when I was a kid now I want to play around with the characters so it's hell useful. muchly appreciated!

#11 Klaue wrote at 09/10/2022 04:38 PM (EST):
Hope it helps :)
Just be careful with the more.. outlandish stuff like changing the gender of characters, I don't remember how well the game handled stuff like this

#12 Nate wrote at 09/10/2022 05:43 PM (EST):
Changing Sira to Sam could be interesting, especially for Mellthas lol. However it's just mostly remembering how hard this game was. I bought one of those gaming magazines cheat editions(remember those?) for the walkthrough even so this makes a lot less of a pain in some areas lol. Thanks again, I couldn't make heads or tails of the hex edits you are a true champion of the people :)

#14 Klaue wrote at 09/10/2022 08:41 PM (EST):
Yeah it's hard.. just as soon as you get sira, level her until you can get "avalanche", as it's for free on the first island and it kicks ass. and cast her light magic so long until it's max level is also a good advice

#13 Nate wrote at 09/10/2022 05:43 PM (EST):
Changing Sira to Sam could be interesting, especially for Mellthas lol. However it's just mostly remembering how hard this game was. I bought one of those gaming magazines cheat editions(remember those?) for the walkthrough even so this makes a lot less of a pain in some areas lol. Thanks again, I couldn't make heads or tails of the hex edits you are a true champion of the people :)

#7 Thankful Guy wrote at 09/29/2020 09:24 AM (EST):
Only one thing: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! Amazing! :)

#8 Klaue wrote at 09/29/2020 03:53 PM (EST):
Someone is still playing albion in 2020? Awesome :)

#9 Albion>Avatar wrote at 11/26/2020 07:28 PM (EST):
A great game back in the nineties. Technologically, it was also very mediocre back then, but it lived enormously from the atmosphere. Presumably that's why this mediocre film "Avatar" was shot on the basis of it. I'll play it again soon with cheat mode in the treasure room

#6 Zixinus wrote at 08/03/2011 07:22 AM (EST):
How do I save changes I made?

#4 Josh wrote at 06/15/2011 12:50 AM (EST):
I just found your editor and I find it great! Albion is a true underdog of the rpg genre and I am glad that someone has finally done something with it.

Are you planning on expanding this editor?
I am interested in seeing an inventory editor and a spell editor added to the program. That would make it complete in my opinion.

#5 Klaue wrote at 06/15/2011 01:06 AM (EST):
I like Albion, but I think it's a bit too hard if you don't know it in and out. A normal player will probably miss out 50% of useful items and will not know when to buy what and level who (for example, on my first play, I diddn't level sira while still on the first isle, so I only got the avalanche spell late in the game and then it diddn't freeze most enemies so I diddn't level it and hardly ever used it. As you can guess, this made things a whole lot harder than they had to be).
Good thing I know someone who knows the game in and out and shared some tips with me (I don't think there's anything he doesn't know about it)

Including an inventory editor would require me to do a binary compare for every single item change to find the memory space for the item slots (of every character) and the values of the items - truly a buttload of work, so I doubt I'll ever do it.
But - even thought there were no save game editor for albion when I made this, I since saw one once that included an inventory editor. I can't remember the name or where I saw it, but googling for "albion save game editor" would probably list it.

#2 SIrNugget wrote at 07/08/2010 05:27 AM (EST):
Ahhh ^^ Ok, thanks a lot! :)

#3 Klaue wrote at 07/08/2010 09:27 AM (EST):
You're welcome :)

#0 SirNugget wrote at 07/07/2010 04:27 PM (EST):

I have a question. Since I tried to play Albion again, I searched for a save game editor and found yours. The positive thing is, that I can start the programm - the Albion Save Game Editor.jar, even though I use Vista 64bit. But when I start the programm and I want to open my save game, I can open the folder where the save games are saved, but then i can't find the savegame-files. I see nothing and therefore cannot open the savegame. Do I need the second file (the sourcecode thing)? And what do I do whith it?

Kind regards

#1 Klaue wrote at 07/08/2010 05:03 AM (EST):
You don't need the sourcecode. That's just for people who want to know the programming behind it.
You just need to open the directory. Windows' directory choosing dialog sucks a bit and sometimes it's not clear what to do, but that's windows' fault, not mine ;) Just hit the button "Open" when you're inside the directory where the saves are. (the directory will appear empty because the directory choosing dialog does not display files)
Your savegames in that directory are then listed with their names beside "choose save"

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