




System requirements
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Roboter is an autoclicker (and autokeypresser) for both linux, windows and mac (hotkeys on mac untested). When I searched for one for Linux, I only found a single one that was really worth anything, and that one was trial-only payware. So I decided to make my own.

Time showed me that there is also no autokeypresser that can handle more than a single key on windows, at least not one that is not, well, trial-only payware.

So enjoy the only, as far as I'm aware, semi-advanced autoclicker and autokeypresser on both linux, windows and mac, for free!

New in version 1.1: Configurable hotkeys. New hotkey library that should also work on mac!

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GUI Roboter

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System requirements

Java version 8 or newer. You can check if you have it using this command line command (Windows: Start->run->cmd):

java -version

If you get nothing or if it's telling you that it doesn't know the command "java", you probably don't have java. If you get something, it should look like this:

java version "1.x.x_xx"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.x.x_xx-xxx)

If the number is 1.8 or larger, Roboter should run.

If you don't have Java or an old version, you can download the newest one at "Download".

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How to start

If everything works, you can just double-click the jar file, but sometimes a compressing software like WinZip graps this file extension.
If that happens, it's easiest to just run the Jarfix,

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Sourcecode Roboter

See also github at

Oracle pulled a fast one on us, newest (Oracle) Java versions have horrible licencing. So either choose 1.8, the last proper version, or chose OpenJDK:
Java 1.8 via
Newest Java via

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#55 Gr1nd wrote at 08/29/2023 05:32 PM (EST):
Works Great! Thanks!

#50 nandanthony wrote at 06/10/2022 09:52 AM (EST):
I found that the set spots isnt clicking on the spots i set. It clicks further away from the center so maybe its a scaling issue? either way its a bit iffy for me.

#51 Klaue wrote at 06/11/2022 05:15 PM (EST):
I just tried it with an image editor and it clicks to the pixel where I set it.
Is the displayed position "0x0" when you put the mouse into the top left corner?

Scaling issue could maybe be if you got a game that runs exclusive fullscreen on a different resolution than your normal one. It shouldn't matter ('recording' the position would be in the same resolution after all) but is your issue in a fullscreen game?

Also, windows, linux or mac?

#52 nandanthony wrote at 06/25/2022 03:45 PM (EST):
I made it work by dividing the coordinate's values by 1.25 so that it clicks on the right spots.

I was on Windows 10 btw

#53 nandanthony wrote at 06/25/2022 03:46 PM (EST):
also was not it fullscreen, was just clicking stuff in desktop and multiple windows n stuff

#54 Klaue wrote at 06/25/2022 06:43 PM (EST):
Can't wager a guess, it always worked perfectly for me in windows 10..

#49 johanwilliam wrote at 02/14/2022 11:36 AM (EST):
Technumus is the most informative and knowledge increasing webisite. please follow visit and suppot us.<a href="">WHAT IS ERROR CODE0X0 0X0 CAUSE OF ERROR CODE AND ITS SOLUTION</a>

#47 Giang wrote at 08/25/2021 08:14 PM (EST):
Can i use my mouse while using the app?

#48 Klaue wrote at 08/26/2021 04:17 PM (EST):
Please stop spamming. I answered your question before you asked it even the second time. you could also just try it out

#46 Giang wrote at 08/25/2021 08:14 PM (EST):
Can i use my mouse while using the app?

#45 Giang wrote at 08/25/2021 01:11 AM (EST):
Can i use my mouse while using the app?

#43 Giang wrote at 08/24/2021 07:41 AM (EST):
Can i use my mouse while using the app?

#44 Klaue wrote at 08/24/2021 04:32 PM (EST):
Yes. Depends what you want to do.
Want to move your mouse and click where it is pointing? set click position to 0x0.
Want to do other things and occasionally click in one place? set it to the position to click and select the "return mouse" checkbox so the mouse is returned where it was after every automatic click (you won't even notice the mouse moved at all). just don't set the click interval too small and beware that it will click whatever is at the position you selected, even if you open another window.
What it can't do tho is click on a specific place in a specific window even if you move or minimize that window. It doesn't know which programs you have open.

#41 boogaguy wrote at 08/02/2021 02:29 PM (EST):
is there any way i can use 2 different hot keys like "]" for right click and "[" for left click? if so please tell me

#42 Klaue wrote at 08/02/2021 04:49 PM (EST):
not really. you can try starting it two times and put left click with the hotkey in one and reight click and the other hotkey in the other. Might work, but the program is not really meant to run two times at once

#33 Leidwesen wrote at 06/09/2021 03:12 PM (EST):
When using Position=0x0 (at mouse position), the click is always sent to where the mouse was when automation is started. The "Return Mouse" feature has no impact on this.

Would it be possible to instead send the click to where the mouse currently is? This would allow moving the mouse while autoclicking.


Using v1.1 on macOS 11.4

#34 Klaue wrote at 06/13/2021 09:07 AM (EST):
This seems to be a mac problem because it already does exactly what you want on linux and windows. In fact, that's the reason for the 0x0 being there.

Can't really help you there tho as I have no mac. But I can't really see a reason why it wouldn't work as intended on a mac. Did you perhaps set the hotkey for starting automation and grabbing position to the same key? still shouldn't really result in thatn but at least it's something to try

#35 Leidwesen wrote at 06/13/2021 12:00 PM (EST):
Thanks for the response,

After playing around with your code, I was able to fix the issue by making the mouse move to itself before every 0x0 click. The clicker is still running smooth, and I can now move while in 0x0.

The issue seems to be in the underlying code used for Robot on mac (sun.lwawt.macosx.CRobot). On the first mousePress, a lastX and lastY variable is updated, which all future press and releases get moved to.

mouseMove updates the last* variables to the desired location. So moving to itself before each click makes this a non-issue.

My exact change (around L64 in AutoActionsPerformer):

#38 Klaue wrote at 06/14/2021 07:57 AM (EST):
great catch!
Gonna include that next time, thanks!

#39 Klaue wrote at 06/14/2021 06:05 PM (EST):
heya, could you try if this works for you? just replace AutoActionsPerformer:

would rather not do an extra action on all other systems just for a mac bugfix, but I can hardly test it without having one.

#40 Leidwesen wrote at 06/17/2021 12:47 AM (EST):
Apologies for the delay,

Your fix works fine on my mac - I tested various combinations of locations and returnMouse, and they all seem to be functioning as intended.

The os string is "mac os x", and your code should hopefully catch any variations.

#36 Leidwesen wrote at 06/13/2021 12:02 PM (EST):
Thanks for the response,

After playing around with your code, I was able to fix the issue by making the mouse move to itself before every 0x0 click. The clicker is still running smooth, and I can now move while in 0x0.

The issue seems to be in the underlying code used for Robot on mac (sun.lwawt.macosx.CRobot). On the first mousePress, a lastX and lastY variable is updated, which all future press and releases get moved to.

mouseMove updates the last* variables to the desired location. So moving to itself before each click makes this a non-issue.

My exact change (around L64 in AutoActionsPerformer):

#37 Leidwesen wrote at 06/13/2021 12:02 PM (EST):
Sorry about the double-post :(

#24 GuanZhang wrote at 04/26/2021 12:14 PM (EST):
Hi, thanks for this tool. I was wondering for auto-keypress, is it possible to do hotkeys like pressing multiple keys at the same time? I tried to do them in sequence with 0ms delay but that didn't seem to work.

Also, any interest in uploading the code to GitHub so that more people can look at it and contribute/add features to it? Thanks again!

#25 Klaue wrote at 04/26/2021 05:30 PM (EST):
sadly, even with 0 ms delay, it sends the key in succession. A keypress as simulated by this is basically keydown-keyup. multiple keys together would require a keydown from each before any keyup, I'd imagine.
I use it mainly as a clicker myself, the keypress was just an afterthought. Saw that the library I used supported that as well and thought "eh why not" :3

as for github.. I put one of my projects there once, but.. seemed more work than warranted.
Got one put request. Spent quite a while looking through all the changes. It made a change I didn't understand why (no comments) and a change to the standard directory where it looks for files which wouldn't work on non-windows (no c:\users on linux), besides others. As github never sent me a mail, I only saw that months later. And because I'm a github noob, I didn't see how I could only take the changes I approved of and not the rest and refused the request, writing why and never heard anything ever again.
I don't really see anything to be gained from that.
Just putting it on my homepage seems easier, even if most people will probably never see it, as I do no SEO stuff and I'm sure github does. I think of it as a hidden gem of the internets! (ok, probably less so now. when I made it, there was no free autoclicker for linux that had anyway near the features coupled with ease of use Roboter has, but it's been years, some might have sprung up ;))

#26 GuanZhang wrote at 04/27/2021 01:04 AM (EST):
Thanks for the response.

I think perhaps you just had some bad experience with GitHub and it has come a long way since you've initially tried it so things might have changed quite a bit.

I'm not too sure regarding Linux and Windows but at least on Mac I haven't found any free ones. Since it's written in Java it still works on the latest macOS (Big Sur)!

It would be great if you can try to put the code up on GitHub, since I'll be writing an article on how I use it in conjunction with a macOS app which acts as a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse to automate operations on iOS, it would be a continuation of this article I wrote:

I don't have a huge following or anything but perhaps it would drum up some interest in your tool.

If you are still not interested in putting it up on GitHub would you mind if I put it there (and of course I'd still link back to your official website and everything).

Thanks again!

#27 Klaue wrote at 04/27/2021 04:25 PM (EST):
I might, but it probably won't be too soon. I'd have to make a proper buildscript/ant or gradle dependencies file, I don't think just copying a few libs will fly on github.

As for you putting it there, no thank you. If it's gonna be on github I want to have the control :)

Also, bit surprising that it works well enough on mac. Could never test it as I have none. At the very least there will be no hotkeys I'd imagine, which makes using it a bit clunky, but that is system native stuff, nothing java likes too much

#28 Klaue wrote at 04/27/2021 06:03 PM (EST):
Heh, tried to convert it to a maven project only to realize that some libs I used are not in the repository.
and trying to remove maven again and nothing built any more. took quite a while to get eclipse to recognize it again.
Great forebodings :D

#29 GuanZhang wrote at 04/27/2021 08:33 PM (EST):
Well at least you're trying, good luck with that. Please let me know after you are able to put the code on GitHub.

In fact, if you are planning to continue development on it, could I suggest you start with an empty repo first? Even if the code isn't quite there yet at least you will have an issue tracker, I have a couple feature requests if you don't mind and you can also plan out some stuff like documentation.

I would actually like to be able to start the program non-interactively, like: java -jar Roboter.jar octopath.rbt and it would automatically start. Yes on Mac hotkeys doesn't work, but it doesn't bother me that much in fact if possible I'd like a way to tell that dialog box to go away :-)

Thanks again.

#30 Klaue wrote at 05/08/2021 01:56 PM (EST):

Took me effing 2 hours because eclipse insisted on putting it in a sub directory and stuff.what a PITA.

Anyway, I decided to update it a bit. Hotkeys might now also work on mac

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