We Happy Few: All Console Commands
General Info
This guide was first published on Steam or rather Reddit, but I'm the author.
Maybe not quite all of them, allow me that hyperbole. I tested out all commands that looked like they could be interesting that the console autocomplete gave me. Here are the results. Not listed are stuff that was so mundane that it's of no use. For example, there was a command that just opens the menu you get when you hit ESC
The List
Command | Example | Description |
AdvanceDays <How Many> | AdvanceDays 2.3 | Advances the in-game clock a day. Does affect Time-Related quests like "Misterious chest" as long as you are far enough away from the quest target (not in render distance?). Can also be a decimal like 2.3. See „SetDay“ |
AdvanceOneDay | Same as AdvanceDays 1 | |
AddTime <Hours> <Minutes> <Notify Observers true/false> | AddTime 2 0 false | Works similarly to AdvanceDays, just for time. What NotifyObservers does is unknown. |
AdvanceToTime <hour> <Minute> <Notify Observers true/false> | AdvanceToTime 15 20 true | Advances to the Time set. If the time is before the current time, it jumps to the next day at that time. 24-hour-clock. What NotifyObservers does is unknown. See „SetDayAndTime“ |
AdvanceHours <Number> | AdvanceHours 1 | Does not actually advance hours but Days, and lots of them. AdvanceHours 1 advances 24 days. Probably a bug, calls AdvanceDays n*24 instead of AdvanceDays n/24 |
ActivateQuest <Questname> | ActivateQuest <?> | Activates (adds) the given quest. Questnames are unknown tho |
ActivateAllQuests | Activates (adds) all quests. Seems to only add quests for the current character, but skip some pre-requisite quests. | |
AutoSave | Autosaves | |
AutoLoad | Loads latest save | |
AIIgnorePlayers | AI (NPC) ignore you and your actions. It's "ai ignore", i not l | |
BuyAllSkills | Get all skills. Does not actually cost skillpoints | |
BuySkill <Skillname> | BuySkill Backstabber | Get the skill. Does not actually cost unless you have the skill menu open. |
BugIt [<Name>] | BugIt | Takes a screenshot and saves it to <MyDocuments>\My Games\We Happy Few\BugIt\WindowsNoEditor. If you give it a name, it's placed in a subdir of that name, but it's optional. See "shot" |
BoostCarryLimit | Boosts your carry limit to 999 pounds (or for some reason, slightly below) | |
BloodSugarLevel <level> | BloodSugarLevel 0.7 | Only for Ollie, adjusts the blood sugar level from 0 (no sugar) to 1 (full meter). The highest value with no negative effects is 0.7, the lowest is 0.4 |
ChangeSize <number> | ChangeSize 2.5 | Makes the player character larger or smaller (default size 1). Go too large and you'll probably be stuck in place |
CompleteObjective [<Objective>] | CompleteObjective | Completes (ticks) the given objective. If no objective given, completes the currently active one. Does not seem to start followup-objectives tho. |
CompleteQuest [<Questname>] | CompleteQuest | Completes the given quest. If none is given, completes the current quest. Does start followup-quests |
CrashMeNow | Intentionally crashes the game. Or in other words, quick exit to desktop. Generates a 300kb crash log in your documents, so better use Exit | |
DebugShowDeathMenu | Shows the Paper of your demise without actually having to be killed | |
DemiGod | Invincible but hittable, infinite stamina. Enter again to disable. Can be combined with God | |
DestroyPawns | Removes all humans, inclusive dead ones. New ones will eventually spawn. Better use "KillEmAll" | |
DrugIntensity <intensity> | DrugIntensity 1.5 | Activates Joy-Effects without having joy. Try DrugIntensity 20 for a very cartoony world |
DumpAchievementProgress | Gives you the progress of the steam achievements in the full console. Does only show 0% for not-completed, not real percentage | |
DumpStatusEffects | Lists all the currently active status effects in the full console | |
EndlessTour | Flies you through random locations. Screensaver-mode. You have to exit the game to stop it, reloading just makes it start again after a delay. | |
Exit | Exits the game instantly. | |
FailObjective <[Objective]> | FailObjective | See CompleteObjective, just with failing |
Fly | No longer bound by gravity. „Walk“ to disable | |
FontAtlasVisualizer | Opens a new window with a peculiar displays of fonts. Not sure what for | |
FOV <number> | FOV 100 | Sets the degrees of field of view. Default seems to be 90. Fun values to try: 10 for sniper zoom, 170 for trippy and 270 for normal but on the head |
FreezeFrame [<Seconds>] | FreezeFrame 3 | Freezes the world after X seconds or instantly. „Pause“ to unfreeze. |
GoToNowhere | Teleports you somewhere outside the map above the sea | |
GoToLockable | Teleports you to a random container and enables ghost mode. Also highlights the container | |
GoToFeature <Featurename> | GoToFeature Church | Teleports you to the given feature and activates ghost mode. Problem is just figuring out their names, see „ListFeature“. „Walk“ to exit ghost mode. |
GoToActor <ActorName> | GoToActor Telephone_Booth_C_1 | Teleports you to the given actor and activates ghost mode. Actornames can be seen in the debug camera, see ToggleDebugCamera. All objects count as actors. Seems to only work if the actor is currently loaded. „Walk“ to exit ghost mode |
God | Not hitable anymore. Still uses stamina. Enter again to disable. Can be combined with DemiGod | |
GiveSkillPoints <Number> | GiveSkillPoints 1 | Selfexplanatory |
Give <thing> | Give RareMushroom | Gives you one unit of the thing. See here for list of things. |
GiveN <number> <thing> | Give 2 shovel | Gives you multiple units of the thing. See here for list of things. |
Ghost | Fly around and go through objects. „Walk“ to undo. | |
Heal | Gives you full health. Also resets status effect like hunger and optimizes your blood sugar level. | |
InvertMouse | Inverts the Y-Axis of the mouse. Up is down and down is up. Can also be set in the options | |
KillEmAll | Kills everyone visible but you. Great if you're overwhelmed by enemies. | |
ListActiveDLC | Lists all DLC you have | |
ListFeatures <Search> | ListFeatures church | Lists all the features whose name contains the given text. Useful for finding features for GoToFeature |
NowhereSnapShot | Seems to do the same as „GoToNowhere“ | |
NoMusic | Stops the background music | |
ObscureMap | Un-Reveals (obscures) the whole map | |
Pause | Toggleable, pauses the game. See FreezeFrame | |
PlayersOnly | Everyone stops dead in their tracks, walking in the same spot, just you can move around. | |
QuickSave | Quicksave. Possibly the same as AutoSave | |
QuickLoad | Quickload. Possibly the same as Autoload | |
RevealMap | Reveals the full map. Opposite of „ObscureMap“ | |
RevealMapAndQuest | Reveals the full map and all findable side quests on it. Great for Chapter 2 and 3 if you don't want to walk everywhere again | |
ResetSkills | Resets all skills and gives you back all skill points. | |
SetDay <Number> | SetDay 20 | Sets the current date to that day. See „AdvanceDays“ |
SetDayAndTime <day> <hour> <minute> | SetDay 19 16 00 | Goes to the specified time on the specified day. 24 hour format. See „AdvanceToTime“ |
SetTime <hour> <minute> <notifyObservers true/false> | SetTime 16 00 false | Sets the current time, 24 hour clock. See AdvanceToTime |
SetGameDifficulty <difficulty> | SetGameDifficulty easy | Sets the difficulty. Easy, normal, hard |
SetCombatDifficulty/SetSuspicionDifficulty/SetSurvivalDifficulty <difficulty> | SetCombatDifficulty easy | sets the difficulties? Untested |
SetDegradation <true/false> | SetDegradation false | Setting it to false makes weapons never degrade |
SetJoyState <number> | SetJoyState 1 | Sets the joy state. 0 = downer, 1 = on joy, 2 = withdrawal, 3 = overdose |
SetHUDVisibility <visibility> | SetHUDVisibility hidden | „visible“ or „hidden“ HUD. Great for screenshots. See ShowHud for toggle |
SetPermadeath <true/false> | SetPermadeath true | Permadeath in normal singleplayer. Boots you to the main menu after death and deletes all the save files of this character. BEWARE. Lost all my arthur progress trying this one out |
shot | Saves a screenshot to documents/my games/we happy few/screenshots/Windowsnoeditor | |
show <flagname> | show AntiAliasing | Toggles various display flags, too many to list. The console shows you the flag as autocomplete when you type in „show “. Particularly interesting ones are TestImage, Collision, Fog, Vignette (finally get rid of that annoying vignette) |
ShowCombat | Draws various informations in the world when you're in combat, like where the enemies want to run to. Interesting | |
ShowWorldSeed | Displays the world seed in the full console, useful for recreating the world in survival mode | |
ShowStashMenu | Displays the menu of your pneumatic stash. Store or retrieve items from everywhere | |
ShowRespawns | Displays all the places you could respawn on the map | |
ShowHUD | Shows or hides the HUD. Great for screenshots. See SetHUDVisibility | |
ShowPickups <ItemName> | ShowPickups Shovel | Shows icons on the map where the specified item lies around. Great if „Give“ is too much cheating for you but you don't want to search forever. Restricted in that it only shows items lying around, not in containers – and berry bushes, for example, count as containers. See here for item names |
Suicide | Kill yourself | |
Stat <statname> | Stat Unitgraph | Shows statistics. Many adverticed in console autocomplete, most don't seemt to do anything. Stat Unitgraph at least gives you a nice graph. Look at this graph! |
ToggleThirdPerson | Switches to third person view. Too bad only your arms are visible. | |
ToggleSpeaking <true/false> | ToggleSpeaking true | Setting this to true seems to have the PC randomly react to NPCs speaking with insults (at least ollie) |
ToggleDebugHUD | Draws a minimap kinda thing where you see all people and where they face | |
ToggleDebugCamera | Gives you a free flying camera that displays debug informations to what you point it towards. Including actor name for other commands | |
TextureAtlasVisualizer | Opens a new Window with textures. Do not seem to be any of the textures used in game tho | |
TestCollisionDistance | Not exactly sure how it works, but shows lines from your current position to all visible surfaces. Kinda pretty. | |
Teleport | Teleports you where you're looking. You should be able to set console commands to keys in the input.ini, so that could be used to get around quickly. | |
UnlockInventory | Sets inventory size to maximum. See BoostCarryLimit | |
UnlockRecipe <RecipeName> | UnlockRecipe <?> | Unlocks the given recipe. Unclear what recipe names are, „chlorine“ „hallucinex“ and so on didn't work |
UnlockAllRecipes | Unlocks all recipes in the game | |
UnlockAllFastTravel | Unlocks all hatches. Beware that only arthur should be able to go to every place. | |
UnlockAllLore | Gives you every note in the game | |
Vomit | Vomit on command. Great party trick! | |
VisitLockables | Seems to teleport and move you at random, together with lag. Unknown what it ooughta do | |
Walk | Return to normal after fly or ghost | |
WidgetReflector | Opens a new window with Various Widget related stuff. I Don't really know what it's for but it looks like that could be immense fun for people who know what it all means. | |
WorldTour | Seems to be the same as EndlessTour |
These commands I could not quite figure out what they did, if anything, but they sound like they could potentially be fun, if anyone figures it out:
Command | Description |
help | Reports that it saved a consolehelp.html file where there would possibly be descriptions of all commands. But it never actually saved the file for me. Could be a great resource if anyone knew how to get it to actually save that file. |
AlwaysShowSuspicion | Does sadly not actually make everyone suspicious of you |
BugItGo | Activates ghost mode and teleports you somewhere on the map. Does it anything else? |
Camera | |
CauseHitches [number] | Seems to cause artifical lag (short freezes or hitches), unknown if any other effect |
CheatScript [Scriptname] | Possibly execute some commands set in a script file in the palyer dir |
DamageTarget [float] | Seems obvious enough but how to set target? |
DestroyAll [actorclass] | Could be funny if it kills them all, but what actor classes are there? DestroyAll Pawn works, but crashes the game |
DisableSpawnWithinLiveness | Does not seem to actually keep people from spawning (tested with destroypawns). What is a liveness? |
ListQuests [command] | Would be useful for quest-related commands, but I can't seem to get it to list anything |
NoSuspicion | Does sadly no actually make nobody suspicious of you. What does it do? |
open | „Opens connection to localhost“ - boots you to menu. But could you maybe open a connection to the game on another computer? „servertravel <mapname>“ exists as well. Is there a multiplayer planned? or is that just standard unreal engine stuff? |
Open [Mapname] | Autocomplete gives you a whole list of map names, and executing the command seems to teleport you there, but then kill you (from the sounds of it fall damage). Any use? |
RestartLevel, RespawnShelter | Seem to do the same as AutoLoad. Any difference? |
SetPauseInMenus <true/false> | Doesn't seem to do anything, hoped for „no pause while in inventory“ |
Unbreakable | Sounds great but what does it do? |
Opening the console
in case you need help opening the console: find the input.ini in C:\Users\you\Documents\My Games\We Happy Few\Config\WindowsNoEditor
For me, that file was empty. If it is, paste the following in it, if it's not, add the lines at the right places:
[/script/glimpsegame.glimpseconsole] bConsoleEnabled=True [/script/engine.inputsettings] ConsoleKey=F1 ConsoleKeys=F1You possibly need to add -console too to the game start options in steam (I had it there first, don't know if it's neccessary) Then you can open the console in-game using F1. Hitting F1 twice opens the console with more than one line, referred in the commands as "full console"