
Kobold Adventure: Achievements Guide

General Info

You can check your achievements in-game by going to load and clicking on Milestones.

You can also warp to previously seen scenes there. Below I always describe the most efficient way to end up where you need to go with the stats that you need, but often just warping somewhere near might be more efficient.


Choose a rock as your weapon at the start of the game.


Choose a branch as your weapon at the start of the game.


Choose no weapon at the start of the game.

Dragoness in Distress

Save the blue dragoness, Saphira, from the kobolds.
Easiest achieved by choosing a rock as your weapon, then going home, investigate the sounds and throw your rock. Then scare them.

Princess Praise

Help the red dragoness, Ruby, and receive praise.
Go to Varanar, afternoon three. Easiest reached from the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows, lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail) and declining Rolande.
Then venture in the kobold district, investigate and then approach the dragoness and bargain some kind words out of her. And then some more.


Play fetch. This can be gotten from the basilisk, but it can be achieved way earlier than that. Start the game with a branch, go to the woods and hide in the bush. Then throw the stick.
If you chose the basilisk, you can get the Petripet achievement at the same time, see there.


Turned, they have. Put Cassidy in her own breeding trap.
This requires having intelligence or luck at 6 when encountering Cassidy.
Fastest path is starting the game without any weapon, going to the woods and hiding in the tree, flinging nests about. Sleep at home and then go to the hamlet and buy an intelligence or luck potion. Be sure to drink it right away. Head out to the breeding farm, investigate the barn and accept Cassidy's proposal. Then recognize the table or notice the unhinged cuff (depending on which potion you took) and force her on the table.
If you free the slaves afterwards, you also get the "Savior" achievement.


Fuck someones brains out with a big ol shlong.
This requires a dick size of 5 or more ("You could please small dragons with it") and can be gotten with Ruby in Varanar Night 3 or with Cassidy on the Breeding Farm.
As you start out with a small pecker (size 2), you need to push it three times.
Fastest path is starting the game without any weapon (and male), going to the woods and hiding in the tree, flinging nests about. Sleep on the ground and indulge in the ants (dick+1), then go to the hamlet and buy both mPlus potions. Be sure to drink them right away (dick+2). Head out to the breeding farm, investigate the barn and tell Cassidy that you're interested but not at the barn. Then agree with her.
(if you don't want to debase your kind (..why even play this game then), buy and drink an endurance potion as well, break into the house by back door instead of going to the barn and then rape her)


Kill a monster. This can be the Masseuse parlor owner, the Basilisk or the Tentacle Monster.
Easiest to get is the tentacle monster. Start out with stick or branch, go to the woods and venture into the unknown. Yank your sweater off then bash the monster with your weapon.


Befriend the Basilisk.
Fastest path to reach the cave with the basilisk, is starting the game with any weapon (branch if you want to unlock the Fetch achievement at the same time), then going to the woods and hiding in the bush. Don't throw your stick but run, slide underneath if female or break through if male. Sleep at home and then go to the hamlet and proceed to the well. When you inevitably fall in, dive to the cave.
Inside the cave, look away and don't move a muscle. Then pet or play fetch (or feed if you have food).
Playing fetch will also unlock the Fetch achievement.


Hard to miss that one.
Can be gotten in Varnar, Noon three (Rolande's store) or Night three (Inn), the former is easier.
Easiest reached from the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows, lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail) finally arriving in the shop. Just indulge the dragon.
Right afterwards, achievement "Overcompensating" can also be achieved.


Buy a big sword.
In the Rolande's store, Varanar Noon three, buy a Zweihander.
Can be done right after getting the "Whore" achievement.
Fastest way to reach the store: From the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows, lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail) finally arriving in the shop.


Have your virginity taken by your own weapons.
Start out the game with either weapon, then go to the woods and hide in the bush. Then surrender.


Get enslaved.
At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Break through (female) or slide under (male) the bush to fail the skill check.
Right afterwards you can get the Freedom achievement, or you can pass it and continue further for the Puppy Achievement.


Successfully pick the lock in the slave markets.
First reach Varanar, Mourning 4, with at least a lockpick or enough money to buy one.
Easiest reached from the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice to reach Varanar. Then, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows, lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail), declining Rolande and just paying the rat at the inn. Go to the kobold district, leave with the precious, and then just pay the rat at the inn.
At morning 4, first shop around for a lockpick, then go to the slave quarter. Attempt to free the slaves with the lockpick. Make sure to save before you try tho.


Get the panties of all three, erm, dragonesses, Saphira, Ruby and Emeraude.
First is Saphira, the blue one. Go home at the start and go to investigate. Watch and keep watching, then scavenge what you can, which are the panties. Take them or put them on, both works.
Now it's Ruby's turn, the red one. Continue to Varanar by by sleeping at home, proceeding to the Hamlet and then heading to the Farmers Home and stealing from the shed. Progress to Night 3 by fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows and lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail). Decline Rolande's proposal and head to the kobold district. Approach Ruby and bargain her panties for the locket. Again, keep them or put them on (combine, not wear, or you discard the others).
Finally Emeraude, the green one. Continue to the inn and just pay the rat, then the next day go to the Outskirts, pull down 'her' panties and snatch them.
You look fabulous!


Buy and drink pregnancy potion at the store in Varanar, Mourning 4.
This potion costs 330 gold, so we have to earn some. You have 203 at the start, so we need 127 gold.
As females start out with higher charisma, that path is easiest as female, tho both work.
Your first pocket money comes from Rolande, at Noon three.
Easiest reached from the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice to reach Varanar. Then, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows and lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail).
Accept Rolande's proposal, but ask for more money if you can. Be eager. Accept all he wants and ask for even more money at the end. That should net you 80 gold (female) or 60 gold (male).
Following that, head to the kobold district and investigate, but don't approach the dragon. That locket is worth a pretty penny and can be sold for 67 gold.
In the inn, if you're female, just approach the rat and pay (don't worry, you'll have enough left).
if you're male, you could not have made quite as much with Rolande, so you can't afford to lose that money. Instead talk to the kobolds and agree. The more eager you are the more money you make, but in the end all you need to do is pass the night without losing money so all paths are fine.
In the next morning, go to shop around. Sell the locket and you should have exactly 330 gold, if female, or more than that depending on your performance with the kobolds if male. Buy the pregnancy potion and drink it.


Escape enslavement.
At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Break through (female) or slide under (male) the bush to fail the skill check to get yourself enslaved (netting you the "Enslaved" achievement).
While being examined, be nice, reply and cooperate. At the end of the day, count bars, stargaze or talk. Spend the next day choosing any options you want, but at the auction call for Seki.


Free slaves.
This can be done in the Breeding Farm, in the Massage parlor in Varanar, Afternoon 3 or the slave market in Varanar, Morning 4.
The first is the earliest and therefore easiest. It can be done right after the "Tables" achievement, just free the slaves afterwards.
If you don't want to spend money on an intelligence or luck potion, you can use this path instead:
Choose stone or branch, go to the woods and hide in the bush, run away and slide under (female) or break through (male) the branch. Sleep at home, then go to the hamlet, ignore Seki's wares and proceed to the breeding farm. Check out the barn and decline Cassidy's offer, but accept the tea. Then attack her and free the slaves.


Eagerly fuck all five members of the ten paw gang at once.
This is only possible if you had eager sex with them at the start and then again at the Inn in Varanar, Night three. At the start of the game, go home, and investigate. intervene (don't throw rock) and bargain with them that you'll take her place instead. Accept your fate and enjoy it.
Now head to Varanar, by sleeping at home, proceeding to the Hamlet and then heading to the Farmers Home and stealing from the shed. Progress to Night 3 by fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows and lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail). Decline Rolande's proposal and head to the kobold district but just leave with the locket.
In the inn, approach the kobolds, but don't just agree, no, lead them. Select lead a second time, and then "both", "hands & mouth" and "both" again, you slut.


Make Fenrir your bitch.
At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Break through (female) or slide under (male) the bush to fail the skill check to get yourself enslaved (netting you the "Enslaved" achievement).
While being examined, be nice, reply and cooperate. At the end of the day, count bars, stargaze or talk. Continue your obediency the next day, eagerly kiss his balls, bathe and pose - but make sure no one buys you. In the afternoon, visit Fenrir and wash his chest. Agree to join him, and do so by sitting on his face. Get yourself a nice rimjob.
At night, join him and be sure to be the big spoon. This should be enough to net you the achievement the next day no matter which other choices you choose, but you might as well rub it in by groping the big puppy.


Discover the treasure behind the waterfall.
First you need to reach Deepwoods - Riverside. To reach it, start by going to the woods and venturing into the unknown. Pry your sweater off and swipe at the tentacle and you're there. Go up the stream until you reach the naga, greet him and ask who he is. Leaving your (other) questions unanswered, he swims away but you follow! And you discover the secret behind the waterfall while doing so.

Fits like a glove

Cosplay as a glove in the sewers.
From the start of the game, go towards Varanar, swim across to the other side without stopping. When you get stuck, pull (female) or wriggle (male) to make sure you fail the skill check, then welcome your anonymous visitor. One that uses hands or filth but not cock. Either pull or wriggle, then struggle.

It's a trap

Quick! Play Ackbar's theme!
Grope Emeraude.
Reach Varanar, Morning 4 by any means necessary. Easiest reached from the start of the game by going to Varanar, swimming to the other side without stopping, dealing with the pipe visitor by pulling (male) or wriggling (female) twice to reach Varanar. Then, fleeing and hiding (x2) from the drunkards, refusing the eggs at the gallows, lying to or bluffing the sheep (doesn't matter if you fail), declining Rolande and just paying the rat at the inn. Go to the kobold district, leave with the precious, and then just pay the rat at the inn.
At morning 4, head to the outskirts. Pull down her panties and grope that tight slit.