
Kobold Adventure: Endings Guide

General Info

This guide (and the flowchart) was made for game version 2.62 but is still be valid for version 2.99 as that didn't have any story updates as far as I'm aware.

You can check your endings in-game by going to load and clicking on Milestones.
You can also warp to previously seen scenes there. Below I always describe the most efficient way to end up where you need to go with the stats that you need, but often just warping somewhere near might be more efficient.
Endings that are thematically related are grouped.


While playing, to make sure I don't miss a path, I made my own flowchart. Turns out the game actually has an official one found here. Personally I prefer my own, as the official is splitted into many subcharts. Click on the tumb to open the bigger version:
GUI Albion Save Game Editor

Cow End. Moo.

Stay at the breeding farm to become the new cow.
Quickest path: At the start of the game, just go home and hide. Go to the hamlet. After visiting Seki, go to the breeding farm, head to the barn and accept the vixen's proposal. Don't try to flee.

Basilisk Endings (Rock End, Art End, Bite End)

Art End and Bite End are mutually exclusive and require two runs, Rock end can be gotten on either.
At the start, choose male (Bite End) or female (Art End) and no weapon.
Go home and hide, then continue to the hamlet and don't bother buying anything. Go to the well and fall in (any choice), then dive to reach the cave. Look away and then fight. Save.
Rock End: Choose "observe"
Art End: Choose "offence" (you lose because girls have not the right stats to win by default)
Bite End: Choose "offence" (you win), then assert your dominance by using his muzzle.

Drunkards Endings (Nightmare End, Pig End, Dead End)

All endings can be achieved in the same run.
At the start of the game, choose female (lower str/endu). Weapon doesn't matter.
Chose to go to Varanar and keep going to the other side if told to freeze. Deal with the visitor as you wish, wiggle two times is the fastest.
Nightmare End: Ignore them, be rude and then fight.
Pig End: Flee and continue running
Dead End: Flee, hide, then run again.. and bite!

Massage Endings (Gutter End, Masseuse end)

Any way to reach Varanar, Afternoon 3 should be fine as long as your stats aren't too high. As the stat "Luck" is hard to improve without potions, the path outlined will be the one for low luck.
Fastest way to reach Afternoon 3: Start with any weapon/gender, go to varanar, keep going to the other side and pull (male) or wriggle (female) two times. Flee and keep hiding from the drunkards. Decline to throw eggs. Choose any path in the soup kitchen, decline the dragon.
In Afternoon 3, go to the human slums. Decline two times, then run, and dive (which you will fail). Save.
Gutter End: Flee
Masseuse End: Succumb

Ten Paw Endings (Sniffy End, Ten Paw Pet End)

To reach either of those endings, you must have masturbated with Footsie near the beginning.
At the start, chose any gender, and weapon. Head home and investigate, then watch and pleasure yourself. Indulge the kobold.
After that, reach Varanar, Night 3 by any means. Fastest way is: After Seki, head to the breeding farm, check out the barn and just decline the vixen twice. Flee and keep hiding from the drunkards. Decline to throw eggs. Choose any path in the soup kitchen, decline the dragon. Head to the kobold district and just leave with the locket.
At the inn, talk to the kobolds and kiss Footsie. After that, follow the only path currently available (lend a hand, give an eager BJ, check up on footsie, keep watching while getting aroused and eagerly answer Tak-Tik). Save.
Sniffy End: Clean Tak-Tik, then agree to become part of the gang.
Ten Paw Pet End: Clean Footsie, then agree to become part of the gang.

Bull End

This end is near the Farmer's Maid endings but mutually exclusive to all of them, so it's listed on it's own. Intended for male characters but either can reach it.
This is done by being as uncooperative as possible in the enslavement to be bought by the vixen. Female characters have to be way less cooperative, but the outlined path is the least complying one.
Fastest way to get it: At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Slide under (male) or break through (female) the branch to ensure you fail the skill check, beg to proceed right to enslavement. Be sure to always be uncooperative (growl, bite, scratch). At the end of the night, break (male) or slip from (female) your bindings. On the second day, attack Fenrir, refuse the gag, refuse the bath and refuse to smile. Then get bought by the vixen.

Farmers Maid Endings (Double Horse, Reverse Vixen, Half-Harem, Punching Bag, Eagle, Anti-Maid, Yandere, Maid, Lion, Two Bitches And A Dog, Full Circle, Dinosaur)

This end is near the Bull End but mutually exclusive to it. Intended for female characters but either can reach it.
All of them are reached by being as cooperative as possible in the enslavement to be bought by the farmer. Male characters have to be way more cooperative, but the outlined path is the most complying one.
Fastest way to start the Maid line: At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Slide under (male) or break through (female) the branch to ensure you fail the skill check, beg to proceed right to enslavement. Be sure to always be cooperative (reply, cooperate, moan). At the end of the night, count, stargaze or talk. On the second day, kiss his balls eagerly, bathe and pose. Then get bought by the farmer. Black out, then save.

Nearly every possible path from then on will lead to it's own ending.
Double Horse End: Resist Falco, leave or watch what he's doing, then run away
Reverse Vixen End: Resist Falco, leave or watch what he's doing, then tell his dad and fight
Half Harem End: Resist Falco, leave or watch what he's doing, then tell his dad and beg
Punching Bag End: Resist Falco, leave or watch what he's doing, then confront him
Eagle End: Resist, abide or encourage Falco, then give him a hand- or blowjob. Grow jealous, frame her and usurp her place.
Anti-Maid End: Resist, abide or encourage Falco, then give him a hand- or blowjob. Grow jealous, frame her and capture her.
Yandere End: Resist, abide or encourage Falco, then give him a hand- or blowjob. Grow jealous and kill her.
Maid End: Resist, abide or encourage Falco, then give him a hand- or blowjob. Accept your place.
Lion End: Encourage Falco, then let him fuck you or your thighs. Decline him or get him hard, then run.
Two Bitches And A Dog End: Encourage Falco, then let him fuck you or your thighs. Decline him or get him hard, then relent.
Full Circle End: Encourage Falco, then let him fuck you or your thighs. Trick him or allow it, then leave.
Dinosaur End: Encourage Falco, then let him fuck you or your thighs. Trick him or allow it, then stay.

Half-snake End

This is the only ending with the Naga as of yet.
At the start of the game, chose any gender and no weapon. Go to the woods and venture into the unknown. Pry the sweater then swipe at the tentacle. Choose to go upstream and sneak closer, then hit the naga.

Unfinished Endings/Dead Ends

This is no real end but Paths that remain unfinished as of writing this.
Only bigger blocks of unfinished paths are mentioned, and the purpose is to have a place to check out in later game versions.

Naga: Go to the woods and venture into the unknown. Pry the sweater then swipe at the tentacle. Choose to go upstream.
Most decisions end in a dead end, save for the exact one outlined in half-snake end (No weapon, sneak, attack)

Slavery/Fenrir: Near Bull End or the Farmer's Maid Endings. At the start of the game, go to the woods and hide in the bush, then run. Slide under (male) or break through (female) the branch to ensure you fail the skill check, beg to proceed right to enslavement. Select "nobody" when you get to chose who buys you.

Dungeon: Most paths lead there as the ultimate end (for now). No special description needed.

Fight club: Same as Dungeon end, but you cry out to Red at the end. To be able to do that you need to have freed her, which is at the massage parlor, where the Gutter and Masseuse ends are.
Reach the parlor/afternoon 3 any way you want, the fastest one is: Start with any weapon/gender, go to Varanar, keep going to the other side and pull (male) or wriggle (female) two times. Flee and keep hiding from the drunkards. Decline to throw eggs. Choose any path in the soup kitchen, decline the dragon.
In Afternoon 3, go to the human slums. Accept or decline once and the accept for less cost. If you're male choose feet, if female arms, which should bring you up to str/agi6 in both cases. Cut the restraints. Both can now overpower but the nicer reason choice is only available for female chars (higher charisma). Fight, then free the slaves.
Continue the game until you're accosted by the guards, then run and call out for red.