


RPG Maker MV/MZ Map Exporter


System requirements
How to start

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This program is to export maps for games made in RPG Maker MV and RPG Maker MZ. No project files needed.

The Maps will be displayed in half-size in the program, exported in full size.

To find out if a game is MV or MZ, look in the img (or www/img) directory and a random subdirectory, if the files are .rpgmvp, it's an RPGMaker MV game, if they are .png_ it's an RPGMaker MZ game. If they're just png, it seems to be an unencrypted game. May still work with the exporter, but this is experimental.

Version 1.2 (21th oct 2024): Experimental support for unencrypted games. I only found a single one in the wild yet, so this is experimental.

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RPG Maker MV Map exporter

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System requirements

Java version 1.8 or newer. You can check if you have it using this command line command (Windows: Start->run->cmd):

java -version

If you get nothing or if it's telling you that it doesn't know the command "java", you probably don't have java.

If the number is 1.8 or higher, RPG Maker Map Exporter should run.

If you don't have Java or an old version, you can download the newest one at "Download".

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How to start

If everything works, you can just double-click the jar file, but sometimes a compressing software like WinZip graps this file extension.
If that happens, take a look at Jarfix

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RPG Maker MV/MZ Map Exporter 1.2
Sourcecode RPG Maker MV/MZ Map Exporter 1.2

Newest Java via Eclipse Adoptium

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